
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Emily for 5 days ago

Oh God. I am so bored. But I need to post before I become one of those people who only post once a month. So here I am. Posting.
What to post about? Oh I know. Em's party. It was great fun. I went as a cowboy for those of you who didn't go. Bought her Wicked, which was possibly the only birthday gift I had gotten someone in about 5 years. So who knows. Maybe I'll do it more often. Or maybe not. Depends on my mood.
I had the best idea for a Valentine's Day gift. Give someone some amazingly good jewellery and then make it rain rose petals. How beautiful would it be. Amazing. Also having red hot air balloons dropping these rose petals would look cool.
One last thing before I go. Does anyone know how to compress pictures so it's a quicker upload. Would be very helpful. Thanks,
So bye.


  1. Haha. That was like a blog post on steriods. That or your high on coffee! Or drugs. But coffee sounds better and less ... wierd.

  2. Emily's party was indeed fun. Also, I'm slightly worried about your valentines day idea. As romantic as it is, it's a little creepy.
