
Thursday, April 1, 2010


   I am quite annoyed. As many of you know this is often the case but this time I have a particulary good reason to be irratated. Come this Sunday, I will be going on a 10 hour car trip to Queensland. I am going to hate every minute of it. And then in about 2 weeks after that I have to have the same thing, but in reverse. It also doesn't help that I will be in the back seat with two brothers who will kill each other before we even get there (which may actually prevent a lot of whining). And then for the first couple of days while we're up there we're just going to be visiting relatives. Nothing even remotely fun.
   The worst part is that I'm going to be going to the Gold Coast a lot. Ok that doesn't sound bad but think about it. The Gold Coast has a similar population to Newcastle, except it has lots of good beaches and a couple of hundred theme parks. It's a tourist magnet (which yes technically I am, but I was born there so I am entitled to hate those guys) which means it will be full of horrendous gift shops. I want to get good things while I'm away not a t-shirt that says "I'm With Stupid". Maybe a nice black button shirt or something like that. Or maybe get some good blue shirts. I've been thinking of getting some for a while now because the one I have is far to big and baggy and is a horrendous shade of blue.
   Oh and on top of all that I have to make summaries for Physics and Chem over the holidays, or I will be eaten alive when it comes to the half yearlies (is that how you spell it?).
   That leads me to another point. We only have 3 terms for Year 11, meaning we have to work about a billion times faster in class and it;s annoying the hell out of me. You know we could have probably started it mid last term year 10, which even though we all enjoyed enormously would have allowed us to actually do something of value and not have to work quite as hard this year. Would've been better.
   Ok so I've got nothing else to rant about. Well except for my pet hate of unjustified text. It annoys the hell out of me, especially in magazines and websites, but let's not go into that or we'll be here all day. Until probably after the holidays bye.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I sometimes have a tendency to complete miss something, and this week I realised I had been completely missing something since about 2006. This week I realised that the majority of the Supernatural fanbase, is female. This astonished me when I realised it becuase I always assumed it was more of a guys show with these two guys going around killing monsters in an incredibly epic car all the while hitting on (ok only one of them did this) as many girls as possible.
And yet despite the fact that I only ever talk about this show with girls, and they love talking about how hot Sam and Dean are and the shout out the writers gave to this in Season 4 (I will not display spoilers) I still completely missed this point. Then along comes this Tuesday when I'm talking to Millie in bio and it hits me. Most of the fans are women. Can I be a bigger fool. Don't answer that. If I wanted your opinion on that I would put a question mark on the end.
On an unrelated note Trent's party was great. His dogs are very cute, and I finally got to play GTA 4 (even if it was only for a few minutes). According to James (and this being Jame's who is quite often sexist, I have only taken his word in a mocking way) men are better at GTA than girls. The fact that I have actually played GTA San Andreas on the computer and the girls hadn't probably contributed to their demise (although mine was still pretty bad, I kept pressing crouch). Also Rhiannon watching someone play is scarey. She keeps telling them to kill some civilian. I am so glad that children and animals are not allowed to be placed in those games.
Math test was pretty annoying. I felt really bad because I got 57/68 and so many people failed, but seeing as I think I failed my physics test, the universe must have balanced itself out.
That's all I've got to say so bye.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Is This Really Helpful?

Hello one and all of you who actually read this blog. This entry is actually mostly about my raging at exact values (or whatever you actually call them) from maths. These are those ones that have the 2 vertical lines surrounding the problem and they have a maginitude but aren't positive or negitive. These seem to have absolutely no point, especially in a equations where x can have 2 different values and you have to check if these are right and occasionly neither of these 2 are right. The only point I can think of for them is graphing, but what is the point of graphing them. There is none. It's so bloody stupid. If you can explain the praticality of this it would be much appreciated.

Secondly I am pissed at the weather. It seems to rain every week these days. This was very bad yesterday in Medowie and the threat of the Medowie Markets (sort of a swap meet, which only meets once per month) being cancelled. Admittedly they weren't but it wasn't worth it as no one who sold books was there. It aggravated me some what. I wanted to get some Stephen King books but I couldn't. Thankfully the newsagents (one of the few things in this town I actually like (except for the fact that the people at the counter are bloody rude)) sells paperbacks and I brought a Dean Kootz book. Not as good as King but still pretty good.

So back to the weather. It's crazy. One day it's raining and the next it's sunny as. Add to the fact that Medowie seems to be a weather magnet getting the rain before anyone else (not entirely true but still it's raining like hell here and humid as hell somewhere else and therefore I can't go for a walk. And when I can it's so bloody wet and the footpath ceases to exist every 10 minutes plus the good long walks are mostly off road).

Also I now actually like a Shakespearen play. Othello is damn good, but a lot of people don';t like it. I don't understand how you couldn't. It has Iago who is evil for the sake of being evil. That gets win points.

One more thing before I go. I've gotten a new hobby, which is watching old movies and finding out how badly they got there ideas of the future wrong. Have a look at 2001 a space oddesey. They made a story about space travel and even had some ebooks, but completely overlooked the portable music industry. Quite amusing (if you;re weird enough).

Ok I'm going to sign off now. Have a good week and bye.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stop Apologizing

Now as much as I really, really, REALLY love it when you people comment on this blog, I just want to say that I mostly keep these blogs so that my great grandchildren can look up what my life used to be like. I know I could just use a diary but they aren;t very manly, (and the real reasons) I haven't got a real diary (an actual book) and I'm not very good at keeping them. Yeah that's right. I tried it once. Got bored after about 3 days. Also it was in an old workbook and it didn't look too nice.
So I would just like to say a few things about today at lunch. Firstly read the title again and come back to the start of this sentence. (Once you have gotten out of that loop) Secondly don't tell me what it was actually as I think it would be wise of me not to know this. It might help me in the future. And thirdly it was baiscally just all the gay and girl jokes all crashing down on me at one point. Plus telling everyone but me, I mean honestly sort of annoying.
Ok so now that that is over I would like to move on to the humerous thing I heard in maths today. Mr Burke wrote out the work on the board and this is what happened:

Board: Ex 3.2 10-29 odd numbers only.
Random person 1: What is the work we are meant to be doing?
Random person 2: It's on the board.
Random person 1: Oh ok *reads* Oh man I don't want to do that. I'm just going to do half.
Yeah. He's either very lazy or very stupid.
Ok so that's the end of this blog (I mean post. I am not going to stop blogging and giving it over to someone who will remake it so that it is darker and grittier). I hope you all have a good rest of the week and I'll leave you with the quote from 'The Colour of Magic':

The Gods have a habit of going around to the houses of atheists and breaking all the windows.

And so bye.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bludge Week

Bludge week was this week. Really it was the same as most weeks I just called it bludge week because I had wednesday (where I only have 2 periods) and then Thursday (Athletics Carnival) so it was pretty damn good.
   Yep the Athletics Carnival is always so much fun. I only went in one event (The 800 metre walk I believe it was called), and just talked to people for the rest of the time. It was a pretty good day except for some peope *cough* Emily *cough* who wanted to spray me with the green hair spray. I'm in Richard's house, we don't where green. Also the only reason I wasn't wearing blue is because I lack anything nice that is blue. I just wore school sports uniform.
   The only part of the day I didn't like was the bus ride back to school. Apparantly the school is very tight when it comes to transportation. The bus ride home, they needed to have 3 to a seat and they still had people standing. They could have easily resolved this issue by hiring another bus to take students there, but in typical beauractic style they decided that was too dear.
   However I did notice one important thing on that bus. It was how easily people will completely disregard each other. Everyone on that bus wanted to get off as soon as possible, and so naturally there was a lot of pushing and shoving, with no care given out to the other passengers. I'm surprised no one hurt themselves.
   Also i would like to say HOORAY MILLIE! Sorry I just wanted to celebrate your brilliance at running. Only wish I was that good. I went in the walking and discovered that everyone can walk quickly when it's a joke race to them, but just walking down a corridor it becomes next to impossible for them. This infuriates me to no end.
   Oh yeah Dwyer's party was pretty good. Apparantly I can still run in combat boots. Yay me. Oh and no one is going to find out who I had a crush on. NO ONE!!!!!
   Ok I believe that is everything I wanted to talk about so I will close of with this one plea to God (if he/she exists)
   Oh actually that brings me to something that happened the other day. I was trying to argue that God would be female (long story. Don't ask) and this prompted after a little bit of argument with Millie and Dwyer this conversation:
Dwyer: God is not a man or a female. He is beyond gender.
Millie: And it's amazing how you still call God He.
Ok back to the plea. Please don't let Richards House win. PLEASE!!!!!!
Ok now bye.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Emily for 5 days ago

Oh God. I am so bored. But I need to post before I become one of those people who only post once a month. So here I am. Posting.
What to post about? Oh I know. Em's party. It was great fun. I went as a cowboy for those of you who didn't go. Bought her Wicked, which was possibly the only birthday gift I had gotten someone in about 5 years. So who knows. Maybe I'll do it more often. Or maybe not. Depends on my mood.
I had the best idea for a Valentine's Day gift. Give someone some amazingly good jewellery and then make it rain rose petals. How beautiful would it be. Amazing. Also having red hot air balloons dropping these rose petals would look cool.
One last thing before I go. Does anyone know how to compress pictures so it's a quicker upload. Would be very helpful. Thanks,
So bye.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Be Very Afraid

Hello everyone. If you have a weak heart or some other serious condition you may wish not to read the following blog post. It contains very scary content. Ok. Here it is. I am driving.

Yes today I got my learners and it was a fairly annoying test. Because hey stupid me decided to put the sound on. That was a mistake, since I read faster than it, and I already knew half the answers thanks to the online practice test. However I couldn’t take them off because I could still hear it. God it’s quiet in those places. And I felt like I shouldn’t leave them off, because it would disturb the peace.

Anyway, after that came the driving. Argh. That scared me. Here is a picture of me before I did anything. Actually I don’t look nearly as scared as I was.
It was better after that though. I quickly got the hang of it. The only problem is that I keep forgetting to check my blind spot. I’m probably going die.

On to another note. The other day I watched Mama Mia which I thoroughly enjoyed. God it’s a good movie, and has actually made me an ABBA fan, another mark against any evil rep I am trying to accumulate. Although that doesn’t actually surprise me seeing as I have loved every single musical I’ve ever seen with the exception of the Rocky Horror Picture Show (an incredibly disturbing movie).

Classes are good this year. I never use to like pracs in science. Now I adore them. We get to choose how we set them up (well at least that’s what happening in Physics). Wednesday’s are going to be great too. First period is free, 2nd is study and then 2 periods of sport. Then Chem and Maths. Quite enjoyable.

Also the cockroaches at my house are getting bolder. One of them walked into my room, while I was in there in broad daylight. Eventually nothing will stop them.

Ok I’m going to go now. Bye.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm Like a Librarian in a Book Store

Hi guys, how is everyone? Don’t answer that in your comments unless you really want to. And I mean really want to not ‘I’m bored I might as well comment on how I am’. Only comment on this if you actually want to inform me of what is going on in your life. Neil I’m talking to you.

Ok, I would like to make a correction. For you who know me (which I hope is all of you), you must realise how hard it is for me to actually do this. Borders is not as evil as I have previously made it out to be ("It’s like communism but it works" - Me 2008). If you want to buy non-fiction books, then yes look elsewhere. They are quite expensive and have a limiting scope on natural science (zoology and botany), however if your intention is to buy some marvellous work of fiction (or crappy work of fiction) go for your life.

While it’s true it would be much cheaper to buy new release books at Big W or K-Mart, they lack the variety that book lovers would desire. At Borders there is a large selection of fictional books of all types that had me running up and down the aisles like a kid in a candy store (yes I am not always opposed to looking childish, especially when the rewards are in the form of books). I was giddy. Jumping while at the counter because I was so excited. I love books.

I bought two books. One was ‘The Dreaming Void’ by Peter F. Hamilton, I haven’t read it yet but it’s a science fiction and I have been trying to get this book for some time. The other book that I bought was Gregory Maguire’s masterpiece Wicked. Cue chorus of angels (or witches depending on your perspective) I have a new favourite book.

I haven’t read a book this interesting in a long time, and I know many people saying that they didn’t enjoy the book all that much. I personally think that’s because you saw the play first and it’s obviously better because it’s a musical. But the book is brilliant. More gripping than anything I’ve read this past year (which is quite a lot). But I do want to see the play. In fact it’s one of my life goals.

Today I went back to school shopping with my mum and two brothers. I only went so I could get a haircut and buy books. Back to school shopping is soooooo expensive these days. You need to get new shoes, bags, lunchboxes, and a whole host of utensils (paper, pens, and erasers), it’s horrifying. This will probably be explored mre at a later date by future me in about 15 years (hopefully)(actually no, hopefully 20 years) so let’s go on.

I’m now in love with large book stores. I can’t stand the small things they have in the terrace. I used to be able to spend hours walking through Big W's book section picking up books and reading the blurb. Now I run through it, find something I’m looking for and then buy it, or don’t do anything. I had the same problem at a proper book store. The fantasy and sci-fi section of Borders is two double sided rows full of books. The one at the ABC book store in Raymond terrace is about half my book shelf. I am disappointed.

Anyway I did eventually buy something but it wasn’t a book. It was and I quote ‘Wicked Great Songs from the Musical’. So it only has 10 songs on it and I don’t think any from the 2nd act, but it’s quite good to listen to. Also I agree. Defying Gravity is one of the best songs of the decade. Wouldn’t have put it in the top 5 myself but it’s definitely pretty high. I really need to see that musical. Unfortunately I’ll probably have to wait 5 years.

Ok having written about a page of blog post, I shall now retire. Hopefully this is of some interest to someone. I will go now but I’ll leave you with one thought that came to be this week:

Evil isn’t born, it’s made.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Still Free From the Tyranny of Mass Media

I really am stretching for topics to write in this blog, but I do in fact have a few things to say. First off. About the recent mass-migration of many seasoned (and fresh young bloggers) to the corrupt mass media known as "The Other Blog". Now while it's corrupt nature may in fact just be an invention by this author to make it sound more evil, the fact remains that it is far too mainstream. I will let my readers (both on and off the other blog) know that I will never fall for it's evilness (Even if I'm evil. Opposites attract after all).

So what else to write about. Well there is the matter of Freddy. If you’re wondering who Freddy is, he is a cockroach that always hangs around my bathroom at night. This has only been happening for a week now but there is only ever one cockroach and whenever I go in it hides behind something. I can still see it but you know, it appears to be scared of me. It might not even be the same insect, but for the sake of the argument any solitary cockroach that is found in my bathroom from now on is Freddy.

But I do what to know one thing. It freaks me out so I always try and stay as far away from it as possible. After all they aren't the cutest thing in the animal kingdom. But if it's always trying to keep away from me, do cockroaches think the same thing of us. Do they want us out of "their" houses? From a purely scientific standpoint no, but seeing as dimensional rotation, time travel and other wierd, far flung science fiction ideas are essential for my world domination plan, it might actually be considered.

That is the end of the blog post this week. I hope that I've given you some perspective or at the very least made you look around before you enter your bathroom.

Stand Back!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to try Science.

And goodnight.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Al Gore Has Infiltrated the Road User's Handbook

Yep. It's official and insane, but Al Gore has sucessefully managed to preach his message of the horrible nature of global warming to the people having to read the manual. Now I know that many of you have probably already read the manual, but it stands to reason that some of you may have forgot that part, never read it due to it not being in then or just decided to do the practice test over and over again. For those of you who read it and remember I apologise in advance for putting the paragraph up. I'm only reading it because I'm too tired to actually do a test at the moment thanks to the campout (I'll get to that in a moment). So here it is:

“It is anticipated that current weather patterns will progressively change and become more unpredictable as a result of climate change. Climate change is the impact on the planet due to greenhouse gas emissions which will increase global temperatures. Climate change is expected to cause unpredictable weather events and conditions such as extreme heatwaves, storms, flooding and bushfires. Driving during extreme weather events or conditions should be undertaken with care and caution. Driving should be avoided in extreme conditions. Where it cannot be avoided listen to announcements on the radio, adjust your travel speed to wet conditions, prepare by taking water and take regular rest breaks at appropriate locations on hot days.” – Road User’s Handbook pg 68

Yeah so there that is. I know I probably built that up to be a lot more queer (traditional sense of the word) but I found that a bit funny when I read that so who knows.

So what else has been happening of late. Oh yes. The campout was on last night. Hell fun although by about 2 in the morning I wanted to just fall over or at least lie down. If you are a pyromaniac you would have enjoyed it. I kept getting this image of Emily just setting things on fire; it was quite funny.

Other funny things that happened. For some reason it was forced that the guys and the girls had to sleep in separate tents, which is fine. You don’t want to have anything bad happening in your backyard (yes it was only a backyard camp, for those of you who didn’t know), but why then would you allow us to go bushwalking. That was quite fun too, but I find it stupid as surely something is more likely to happen there then in a backyard.

I may have done the greatest spot light hide ever. Not because it took me forever to get found, but because I wasn’t the first found. When you sit on a chair at the edge of a deck where the seeker is counting you would expect to be caught out first or second. But nope. 4th. Please explain this to me, as I really don’t understand how this could possibly happen.

One last thing before I go. It has taken me a month but I have finally finished all 2539 strips of the webcomic ‘Irregular Webcomic’ which is an ironic name seeing as it is published daily. It was exhausting but worth it. For anyone who has too much time on their hands you should read them, and hopefully everyone will really like Death Of Insanely Over Powered Fireballs. He’s quite good. Also he is to the right. Images have never worked on here before so this is quite cool for me.

If you want to read the whole thing remember to click on the ‘first’ hyperlink. But this does not mean I think you’re all internet noobs. Ok that's the end of this post. I hope you have enjoyed your holidays so far and Chris I want you to watch the ‘Lion King’. Word is you haven’t seen it.

So bye bye people.