
Thursday, March 25, 2010


I sometimes have a tendency to complete miss something, and this week I realised I had been completely missing something since about 2006. This week I realised that the majority of the Supernatural fanbase, is female. This astonished me when I realised it becuase I always assumed it was more of a guys show with these two guys going around killing monsters in an incredibly epic car all the while hitting on (ok only one of them did this) as many girls as possible.
And yet despite the fact that I only ever talk about this show with girls, and they love talking about how hot Sam and Dean are and the shout out the writers gave to this in Season 4 (I will not display spoilers) I still completely missed this point. Then along comes this Tuesday when I'm talking to Millie in bio and it hits me. Most of the fans are women. Can I be a bigger fool. Don't answer that. If I wanted your opinion on that I would put a question mark on the end.
On an unrelated note Trent's party was great. His dogs are very cute, and I finally got to play GTA 4 (even if it was only for a few minutes). According to James (and this being Jame's who is quite often sexist, I have only taken his word in a mocking way) men are better at GTA than girls. The fact that I have actually played GTA San Andreas on the computer and the girls hadn't probably contributed to their demise (although mine was still pretty bad, I kept pressing crouch). Also Rhiannon watching someone play is scarey. She keeps telling them to kill some civilian. I am so glad that children and animals are not allowed to be placed in those games.
Math test was pretty annoying. I felt really bad because I got 57/68 and so many people failed, but seeing as I think I failed my physics test, the universe must have balanced itself out.
That's all I've got to say so bye.

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