Hello one and all of you who actually read this blog. This entry is actually mostly about my raging at exact values (or whatever you actually call them) from maths. These are those ones that have the 2 vertical lines surrounding the problem and they have a maginitude but aren't positive or negitive. These seem to have absolutely no point, especially in a equations where x can have 2 different values and you have to check if these are right and occasionly neither of these 2 are right. The only point I can think of for them is graphing, but what is the point of graphing them. There is none. It's so bloody stupid. If you can explain the praticality of this it would be much appreciated.
Secondly I am pissed at the weather. It seems to rain every week these days. This was very bad yesterday in Medowie and the threat of the Medowie Markets (sort of a swap meet, which only meets once per month) being cancelled. Admittedly they weren't but it wasn't worth it as no one who sold books was there. It aggravated me some what. I wanted to get some Stephen King books but I couldn't. Thankfully the newsagents (one of the few things in this town I actually like (except for the fact that the people at the counter are bloody rude)) sells paperbacks and I brought a Dean Kootz book. Not as good as King but still pretty good.
So back to the weather. It's crazy. One day it's raining and the next it's sunny as. Add to the fact that Medowie seems to be a weather magnet getting the rain before anyone else (not entirely true but still it's raining like hell here and humid as hell somewhere else and therefore I can't go for a walk. And when I can it's so bloody wet and the footpath ceases to exist every 10 minutes plus the good long walks are mostly off road).
Also I now actually like a Shakespearen play. Othello is damn good, but a lot of people don';t like it. I don't understand how you couldn't. It has Iago who is evil for the sake of being evil. That gets win points.
One more thing before I go. I've gotten a new hobby, which is watching old movies and finding out how badly they got there ideas of the future wrong. Have a look at 2001 a space oddesey. They made a story about space travel and even had some ebooks, but completely overlooked the portable music industry. Quite amusing (if you;re weird enough).
Ok I'm going to sign off now. Have a good week and bye.
I. Hate. Exact. Values.
ReplyDeleteI suck at them. Its soo horrible. When will we ever ever ever ever ever EVER need them. Hmpf. Stupid maths.
The weather sucks, I want winter! We've had summer! Bring on the hot mugs of tea, ugg boots and blankets.
I don't like Othello. Sure Iago is cool but for some reason I liked Macbeth. Out of all the plays we have done (yes out of the 5) its my favourite. Its short and ... to the point. Haha.
Hopefully the holidays come soon. Im so ready for them.
I guess maybe you could use exact values in like, geometry. The square root of 25 might be +/-5, but you can't have a negative lengths, so I guess it could be absolute value 5.
Weather is very very icky indeed. It is making lots of peoples get sick because it's hot then cold then sunny then rainy then BLEH.
It's a shame about your markets.
Othello is pretty good, yeah, but my favourite so far was A Midsummer Night's Dream. Yeah, I'm weird, I know. Anywho, I think the movie that got the future the furthest from the truth was Back to the Future. Either that or we got it wrong. Nyeh, overly long comment is overly long.
well, in that case look at alien ;p . it's hilariously old in everything, but supposed to be set in the future ;p . um. weather. weather it's good or bad. I like it ;p . sorry, had to... also Jake takes long walks and reads many big books? in WHAT time? does EVERYONE have some kind of strange time store except me?!