
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Using Mostly Spoons, We Shall Dig a Tunnel Under the City and Release It Into the Wild

I thought I would make one more blog post before the world ends because of our calendar ending (realise that this Mayan Calendar nonsense follows the same premise). So what to talk about besides the short comings of various conspiracy theories (there was no stars because it was day time, it was not photo shopped).
So basically I saw Avatar on Boxing Day, but I really couldn't be bothered posting about it. I did write about other things. So it was a good movie, really cool, 3D is epic although most of the time you don't notice it. But when you do...
Yeah it is a really epic movie. if you see one film this year you should see this one. You have about 8 hours. Go get them boys (and girls; I would say girls too but it just doesn't sound right. You got to keep with the cliches). Now I don't have anything else to really say other than that I will be seeing Sherlock Holmes on Sunday, and I don't care what people say. I've never read the novels and it should therefore still be quite good. Also when I saw Avatar we got to see a preview of Sherlock Holmes. It was fail preview. There was no sound and so it looked cool but I didn't know about sound quality. We got the sound on eventually but it was for the wrong movie so Holmes had a girls voice. It was quite funny. After this we eventually got the proper sound but it still didn't go to well after the massive amounts of fail.
Now as I write on, trying to find out what to write to close this decade, I just want you all to know that this decade as been filled with disappointment and racism. Mostly from America and towards Muslims. I want everyone here to realise that unless we do something now we are just going to sink further and further into ignorance. So my closing words for this decade are: "Leave your stupidity with the doorman."
P.S. So long and thanks for all the fish.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

You Will Find the Machete next to the Flowers

Hello everyone. I really don't have much to say lately so I'm just going to put up the 5 best songs of the decade and then ramble about an emotion that I have felt recently.
Ok from 5th to 1st:
5.Paschendale - Iron maiden
4.Violet Hill - Cold Play
3. Holiday - Greenday
2. Defying Gravity - Wicked
And number 1. Viva La Vida by Coldplay
Ok now that that is over I would like to talk to you all about jealousy. Today I may have seen something that made me a tincy bidy bit jealous of someone. I don't want to go into it and I know there is a completely logical explanation to it (I mean they weren't kissing or anything like that) but my mind has decided not to listen to logic; either that or logic has decided to go on vacation (which is equally possible). Now I would like to know how often is the jealousy emotion felt, because I don't normally feel it (although it has increased in intensity over the past year). So I'm signing out and i hope to hear from you all before the New Year. If not:
Happy New Year!!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

How Dare You Question My Perfection - Emily, 2009

Now that is the best quote ever. I know it is and everyone should agree. It bloody rhymes. It's great.
Now I don't have much to say but I want this done before the New Year. I want you all to comment on your favourite songs of the (unfortunately there are some idiots in the world and they came up with this term) noughties. That terms means this last decade so I want you all to comment on your top 5 favourite songs, in no particular order and next post I will write up a list. So please actually comment.
My 5 fave songs are:
  • Viva La Vida - Coldplay
  • Holiday - Green Day
  • Violet Hill - Coldplay
  • Dance of Death - Iron Maiden
  • Paschendale - Iron Maiden

Ok so you should comment now because I want to make a countdown of the top 5. Ok so bye.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Flick is NOT an elf!!!!

Ok, now you may be wondering why I opened my blog with a statement about Flick not being an elf. Well it all began a couple of weeks ago when I started off a conversation by saying:
"I want a pet elf."
"How about Flick?" Several people said including Rhiannon and Caity.
"Flick is not an elf."
"She so is." It's always their response.
So that is basically why I opened with that, because I want a pet elf and Flick is most definitely NOT an elf. This sought of brings me to the topic of today's Chronicle. Are unicorns girly. Now I realise that you're all thinking "That is the worse transition ever, but anyway why would you even suggest that? They are so girly." Well people who's brains are wired that way, they're not.
Let us all notice one crucial bit of the unicorn's anatomy. The reason it has the prefix uni at the start. Yes that's right the horn and no I am not making a penis analogy. It is why a unicorn is not girly but no sexual innuendos. It is quite clearly a weapon. Imagine a unicorn is attacked by a (because I realise that a unicorn is a mythical creature) a gryffin. The gryffin swoops down and attacks the unicorn but it charges up and stabs the beast in the chest. It would at the very least be severely wounded and have to run off why the unicorn stands triumphant (if they existed).
We can also realise that a horse is also not girly because of a similar reason. People who believe they're girly often site 'The Saddle club' as a reason. However just because a couple of girls rode a couple horses around in that show can not undo the thousands of times horses have been used in battle. War more of a guy thing but girly and guy thing are not mutually exclusive. I just like my arguments.
And while we are on this subject may I just point out one little thing. The idea of a gentle man is sexist as hell. And yet no one realises it. Want me to tell you why. Well it's because girls benefit. Yeah. When the radar starts going it fails to pick up any mention of gentlemen actions because they benefit. I know that it is a useful way to impress that person you like, but I am not going to stand aside and let a girl into a room before me simply because she's a girl. Likewise I will not do most of the stuff they talk about when you are suppose to be a gentlemen. It's insane.
Now I know some say that this isn't sexism it's just etiquette (don't even get me started on etiquette) but whenever you promote one gender over the other for any reason you are being sexist. Let's not go into that realm. There are of course exceptions such as pregnancy (but make sure they are actually pregnant), but bulk of the time it's sexist.
Now I'm bored of ranting now so I will see you another time and remember:
In the name of love,
Before you break my heart."
And goodnight and Solo Guy bless.
P.S. Almost forgot. My brother recently met Solo Guy and when he was offered a solo he declined. We must burn the heretic now.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Module 4 stole my evil!!!

Yay. No more leadership day. Or Crossroads or anything like that (except interviews but seriously, how hard could they be?). So we must all face the facts. We managed to get through the most annoying thing you can ever get. The All My Own Work exam. Evil incarnate. Most of the questions were fairly easy except you had to put down your answer find the answer and then do the next question. This sounds ok until you realise that you need 100% to pass and if you get one wrong near the end of the module you have to go back and to the start and do the whole thing over again. Yay!!!!
This got particularly annoying when one of the questions had the answer in a certain place in the last 3 questions, but then for a lark it decided lets swap these 2 around. It took me about 10 times to figure it out. And yet Module 4 with it's 34 questions that are really hard to work out and most of them are at the end of the test. Evil Incarnate!!!
Also with the whole resilience thing It was particularly mean of the universe to decide to have Caity drag Rhiannon over to particular corner. Here's a hint. The question was not how you felt on a date, but the corner was very awkward. Rhymes with dove.
Ok so leadership day. Not as bad as I thought it would be but still pretty boring. The film clips were particularly annoying. One clip from 'Freedom Riders' and I was just about to cry.
Ok that's about it so goodbye. And remember:
'I can't decide
Whether you should live or die
Oh, you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry'
And goodnight!!!